Friday 2 January 2015

Green Smoothie #2015

Happy New Year!

I realise its been a while since my last post, but with Christmas, New Years, work etc I just haven't had the time!

Previously where I have uploaded anything to this blog it has been the result of many hours of cooking, setting up camera angles, trying to style the food as best as my limited abilities will allow etc etc... Not a quick process!

Thanks to the magic of technology and apps like the ever-fabulous Instagram (check out my account here!) I still snap and upload pictures of what I'm cooking up on a day to day basis with just the click of a button. So, in the interests of keeping this blog chugging along, I have decided that where I simply don't have the time to to create highly detailed, multiple angle, step-by-step style posts; I will simplify the posts so that you still have the recipe and whatever quirky observations I feel like throwing in, just with less focus on having multiple pictures. Though some may see this as me compromising on the blog's aesthetic quality, I feel like this is a worthwhile trade off if it means I am able to post more often and get more recipes out into the world for you to enjoy!

So what better time to start this little shindig than right now?!

See below for said shindiggery.

Refreshing Green Smoothie

Start your 2015 on the right foot with this super refreshing drink! If you're already on board the green smoothie train: I like you, lets be friends. If you haven't tried them yet: It's not to late! The train to deliciousness is still boarding!


1/2 large banana
1/2 cup frozen mango
1 tsp chia seeds
1 cup almond milk (or other non-dairy milk or water)
1 packed cup of spinach leaves
Few ice cubes

Simply blend everything except the fruit until well processed and then add in the fruit and continue blending until totally smooth. Super easy!

(Side note: I rimmed my glass with some honey and dessicated coconut, optional but yummy!)

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